Foreword to Book of Mormon Prophecies Book

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Forword by the Compiler

The Book of Mormon has not yet seen its finest hour.  Why?  Because the mandate of the Lord in 1829 to Joseph Smith was, and still is, “Wherefore, I [Jesus Christ] must bring forth the fulness of my gospel from the Gentiles unto the house of Israel.” (D&C 14:10)  Then to be more specific, “for this very purpose are these plates preserved, which contain these records—that the promises of the Lord might be fulfilled, which he made to his people… that the Lamanites might come to the knowledge of their fathers, and that they might know the promises of the Lord, and that they may believe the gospel and rely upon the merits of Jesus Christ, and be glorified through faith in his name, and that through their repentance they might be saved.” (D&C 3:19-20)

This, the central purpose of the Book of Mormon, has not been fulfilled yet.

Joseph of Egypt, the father of both Lamanite and Nephite nations, was an outcast just as the Indians are today; he was degraded, put into bondage, suffered abuse, and was lost and forgotten about.  But then in the span of not many days he claimed the throne of Egypt and saved his brothers from temporal destruction.  Just as his brothers would have starved to death physically without Joseph’s intervention, there is no recovery of the tribes of Israel today without Joseph’s spiritual intervention—which begins with his own recovery, then extends to the whole house of Israel ending with the Jews (Judah, Zechariah 13).  This is what is expected from a birthright tribe (1st Chronicles 5:1-2), and this is why in Joseph’s dream his brothers made obeisance to him. (Genesis 37:9, 43:28).

This book is an analysis of strictly prophetic words within the text of the Book of Mormon.  It is NOT meant to replace this sacred book, and this compiler implores you to make studying the Book of Mormon a lifetime pursuit.

Scripture contains, in a nutshell, history, covenants (or promises), decrees, prophecy and revelation.  Prophecy can be defined as the foretelling of something to come in the future.  The question answered in this volume is what is the Lord’s concern for our day? based on the accumulated and itemized prophecies that the Book of Mormon contains. 

Joseph Smith declared in September of 1832, that the Church was under “condemnation until they repent and remember the new covenant, even the Book of Mormon…” (D&C 84:54-57) How can the cause of this condemnation be anything other than 1) being disobedient to the principles of the Book of Mormon, and 2) NOT working to fulfill its prophecies, or its intent.  Yet the question can be asked today, has there been any progress made?

The Book of Mormon Primarily Pertains to the Remnant of Joseph

It is well-known that a large amount of the writings of Isaiah are in the Book of Mormon, but certainly not all of the writings of Isaiah, as we know them in the Old Testament.  So why does the volume only contain a smaller subset of his collected writings?  Nephi answers… to “confine the [Isaiah’s] words unto mine own people; for I know that they shall be of great worth unto them [the remnant of Joseph] in the last days.” (2nd Nephi 25:8)

The writings of Isaiah came to Nephi from the plates of brass which Nephi and his descendants carried with them.  But there are other doctrines and teachings in the Book of Mormon which the prophets copied straight from the plates of brass.  The allegory in Jacob 5—the longest chapter in the Book of Mormon, originally written by the prophet Zenos, came from the plates of brass, and like the Isaiah chapters, “the prophet Zenos did testify of these things… particularly concerning us, who are the remnant of their seed… a remnant of the seed of Joseph. And behold, are not we a remnant of the seed of Joseph? And these things which testify of us, are they not written upon the plates of brass which our father Lehi brought out of Jerusalem?” (3rd Nephi 10:16-17)

But there are other, although shorter, phrases in the Book of Mormon which came from the plates of brass and the writings of Zenos and Zenock.  Consider where captain Moroni received the teaching, “God has said that the inward vessel shall be cleansed first, and then shall the outer vessel be cleansed also.” (Alma 60:23), or Alma’s remark, “Thou hast turned away thy judgments because of thy Son,” (Alma 33:13) contributed by Zenos.

Everything in the Book of Mormon pertains to the remnant of Joseph in the latter-days, with repentant Gentiles being involved only to the point of securing this tribe’s recovery.

Chosen Seed verses Gentiles

Although the Book of Mormon writes of the Gentiles, no one living during the time of the Book of Mormon had ever met a Gentile, except for possibly Lehi, Ishmael or their families.  Likewise today, It’s hard for us to imagine what living in a society made up of only the house of Israel looks like, since we live almost entirely among Gentiles (1st Nephi 13:1-3), and even most Native Americans and Jews in America are essentially converted Gentiles.

Many (Gentiles) who read the book of Mormon forget this fact, and liken their own righteousness to the righteous Nephites in the book.  But God has declared that the house of Israel kept their first estate by making a covenant to Jesus Christ in the pre-existence (Abraham 3:26, Mormon 7:10).  And this is not true for a Gentile.  Thus the two groups of people are entirely different, with the main difference being this: the seed of Israel made a covenant to God & his Christ before the foundations of this world, and thus has a preparatory redemption (Alma 13:3).  A Gentile, however, needs to repent, and make this same covenant—something that they did NOT make at any time in their existence.  This is why Nephi states, “For behold, I say unto you that as many of the Gentiles as will repent are the covenant people of the Lord… for the Lord covenanteth with none save it be with them that repent and believe in his Son, who is the Holy One of Israel,” (2nd Nephi 30:2), Nephi also says, “I have charity for the Jew—I say Jew, because I mean them from whence I came.  I also have charity for the Gentiles.  But behold, for none of these [Gentiles] can I hope except they shall be reconciled unto Christ, and enter into the narrow gate, and walk in the strait path which leads to life… (2nd Nephi 33:8-9)

The two worlds are completely different, and a Gentile must begin the process of thinking in a different way than his Gentile peers in becoming trained, not in the philosophies of men, or not in the doctrines of men mingled with scriptures, but in a way that teaches them what the scriptures actually say, and what they actually prioritize.  This will lead them, ultimately, to repentance.  Nothing is of greater delight to Satan than to convince a person that he has repented, when he has NOT repented.  But this is exactly what Satan does with his pacifying “all is well” doctrine (2nd Nephi 28:21-25), which convinces those he catches in his snare that their “repentance” does not concern the recovery of the remnant of Joseph.

Repentance from the standard of Joseph Smith in D&C 84 is remembering the new covenant, even the Book of Mormon.  And remembering the Book of Mormon means obedience to the Book’s principles AND prophecies, with the most obvious prophecy being, as Christ himself stated in 3rd Nephi 16:11, “And then will I remember my covenant which I have made unto my people, O house of Israel, and I will bring my gospel unto them.  And I will show unto thee, O house of Israel, that the Gentiles shall not have power over you; but I will remember my covenant unto you, O house of Israel, and ye shall come unto the knowledge of the fulness of my gospel.”

Mormon’s interruption in 3rd Nephi can be considered the theme of the entire book! “Yea, and surely shall he again bring a remnant of the seed of Joseph to the knowledge of the Lord their God.” (3rd Nephi 5:23)

I would ask: as a soul is “repenting,” is this recovery on their mind?  Is the recovery of the seed of Joseph important?

But, simply put, Christians don’t believe that this definition of repenting applies to them, and so they take no interest in the remnant’s (Indians) recovery.  Why?  Because they are still looking at Joseph of Egypt as the unfortunate, abused, imprisoned, unlucky, despised, cast out, hated, hiss-and-a-byword, inconsequential loser; when really—from prophecy—he AND his children are the heirs of thrones, principalities, dominions, titles, honors, priesthood, sceptres, crowns, and eternal life and dignity that their father Joseph displayed, earning him obeisance from not only his brothers, father, and mother, but from the world of all Gentiles and the rest of the tribes of Israel, for whom they are saviors on mount Zion.

“But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.  And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, (Obadiah 1:17-18)

In short, the observations of those believing in the precepts of men clash with revealed prophecy.  The “all is well” doctrine is opposite to the “come unto the Lord with all your heart, and work out your own salvation with fear and trembling before him” doctrine. (Mormon 9:27)

The Enigma of the Native American’s Future Conversion: There is Nothing New Under the Sun

Words in the Book of Mormon to describe the Lamanites include: idle, full of mischief and subtlety, having a skin of blackness (cursed), full of all manner of abominations, (2nd Nephi 5:21-24) indolent (Alma 17:15), dark, filthy and loathsome, and dwindling in unbelief (1st Nephi 12:22-23), wild, hardened, ferocious, murders, plunderers (Alma 17:14).

Mormon, who saw our day, describes today’s Native Americans by saying, “for this people [remnant of Joseph] shall be scattered, and shall become a dark, a filthy, and a loathsome people, beyond the description of that which ever hath been amongst us, yea, even that which hath been among the Lamanites, and this because of their unbelief and idolatry.” (Mormon 5:15)

But this isn’t the end of the story—in the Book of Mormon, or in our day!

Alma 27:27-30 couldn’t describe a more opposite description of the Lamanites: “they [Lamanites] were also distinguished for their zeal towards God, and also towards men; for they were perfectly honest and upright in all things; and they were firm in the faith of Christ, even unto the end.  And they did look upon shedding the blood of their brethren with the greatest abhorrence; and they never could be prevailed upon to take up arms against their brethren; and they never did look upon death with any degree of terror, for their hope and views of Christ and the resurrection; therefore, death was swallowed up to them by the victory of Christ over it. Therefore, they would suffer death in the most aggravating and distressing manner which could be inflicted by their brethren, before they would take the sword or cimeter to smite them. And thus they were a zealous and beloved people, a highly favored people of the Lord.”

And from Alma 24:17-19, “they took their swords, and all the weapons which were used for the shedding of man’s blood, and they did bury them up deep in the earth… vouching and covenanting with God, that rather than shed the blood of their brethren they would give up their own lives; and rather than take away from a brother they would give unto him; and rather than spend their days in idleness they would labor abundantly with their hands.  And thus we see that, when these Lamanites were brought to believe and to know the truth, they were firm, and would suffer even unto death rather than commit sin…”

The children of Ammon’s (Lamanites) righteousness caused a rift of sorts that future generations of Lamanites would benefit from.  Says Samuel the Lamanite, “And ye know also that they have buried their weapons of war, and they fear to take them up lest by any means they should sin; yea, ye can see that they fear to sin—for behold they will suffer themselves that they be trodden down and slain by their enemies, and will not lift their swords against them, and this because of their faith in Christ.

“And now, because of their steadfastness when they do believe in that thing which they do believe, for because of their firmness when they are once enlightened, behold, the Lord shall bless them and prolong their days, notwithstanding their iniquity—Yea, even if they should dwindle in unbelief the Lord shall prolong their days, until the time shall come which hath been spoken of by our fathers, and also by the prophet Zenos [Jacob 5], and many other prophets, concerning the restoration of our brethren, the Lamanites, again to the knowledge of the truth—Yea, I say unto you, that in the latter times the promises of the Lord have been extended to our brethren, the Lamanites; and notwithstanding the many afflictions which they shall have, and notwithstanding they shall be driven to and fro upon the face of the earth, and be hunted, and shall be smitten and scattered abroad, having no place for refuge, the Lord shall be merciful unto them.

“And this is according to the prophecy, that they shall again be brought to the true knowledge, which is the knowledge of their Redeemer, and their great and true shepherd, and be numbered among his sheep.”  (Helaman 15:9-13)

Given such prophecies, why is it easier for reasonable people who cherish the Book of Mormon to dismiss the remnant’s recovery, to not work towards their recovery, but to instead trap themselves in the Joseph Smith-based Times of the Gentiles time-frame and mentality, never to depart?

Book of Mormon-loving people who remain thus trapped are NOT the repentant Gentiles described in that sacred book, because if they were repenting, they would take an interest in the ancient and long-dispersed covenant people of the Lord (Mormon 8:15).

My Own Prophecy

It is a true doctrine, as delivered by Alma, that “It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God; nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him.” (Alma 12:9)

Thus, each of us may wonder about our individual status on the “heed and diligence” measuring scale.  We know there are other scriptures beyond the Book of Mormon.  The plates of brass themselves have a prophecy attached to them, that “they should go forth unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people” (see Alma 37:3-4 and 1st Nephi 5:18).  And then there is the rest of the Book of Ether.

Pertaining to Christ’ visit to America beginning in 3rd Nephi 11, Mormon states that what is recorded is but a smidgen of what actually happened, and he reveals why this is the case, saying:

“And he [Jesus] did expound all things, even from the beginning until the time that he should come in his glory—…  And now there cannot be written in this book even a hundredth part of the things which Jesus did truly teach unto the people; But behold the plates of Nephi do contain the more part of the things which he taught the people.  And these things have I written, which are a lesser part of the things which he taught the people; and I have written them to the intent that they may be brought again unto this people, from the Gentiles, according to the words which Jesus hath spoken.

“And when they shall have received this, which is expedient that they should have first, to try their faith, and if it shall so be that they shall believe these things then shall the greater things be made manifest unto them.  And if it so be that they will not believe these things, then shall the greater things be withheld from them, unto their condemnation.

“Behold, I was about to write them, all which were engraven upon the plates of Nephi, but the Lord forbade it, saying: I will try the faith of my people.” (3rd Nephi 26:3-11)

Said Mormon, if we believe in what the Book of Mormon actually says we shall be given “the greater things” by the manifestation of the Lord.  Thus, by reasoning, if we are NOT eventually given the greater things it will be because we don’t believe what we have already been given.  For if we have believed, and DO believe, what we have been given we will have an interest in the ancient and long-dispersed covenant people of the Lord, as Mormon himself announced. (Mormon 8:15)

My prophecy is this: until this happens the professed lovers of the Book of Mormon will remain under the condemnation that Joseph Smith spoke of in 1832, and the true intent of the author’s writings in this sacred book will not only be withheld, but now Book of Mormon readers are liable for the words and prophecies which they have read, which is their condemnation.

These will never make progress in their journey towards coming to the knowledge of their Redeemer and the very points of his doctrine, that they may know how to come unto him and be saved, (1st Nephi 15:14) but the things of God, and the joy of their Lord, shall be withheld from them forever—and this because of their own apathy toward acting on the “lesser part” of what they have been given.

This is my prophecy.  But it is a prophecy that has already been uttered.

“And he that will contend against the word of the Lord, let him be accursed; and he that shall deny these things, let him be accursed; for unto them will I show no greater things, saith Jesus Christ; for I am he who speaketh.” (Ether 4:8)

My Analysis in this Book

In doing the analysis of prophecy in this book, it is sometimes difficult to categorize a prophecy from a revelation.  For instance, fulfilled prophecy tells us that Jesus was born of Mary in the meridian of time.  Jesus’ own measure of creation was to live a perfect life, atone for the sins of the world, and then die to become the first-fruits of those who should rise in the resurrection (see John 18:37), but revelation is a witness of truth, not of the event by way of a time-frame, but of the actuality of these facts, and what is intended, or meant by these events.

As such, a discernment is applied to each recognized prophecy contained in this writing, and distinguish by 1) fulfilled, 2) unfulfilled, and 3) unfulfilled prophecy pertaining specifically to the remnant of Joseph, as described on the next page.

The compiler will not make any money from this work.  I am one who desires to labor strictly for Zion, and not for money. (2nd Nephi 26:31)

Don’t be like the wicked Nephites who doubted the fulfillment of prophecy pertaining to the birth of Jesus, and rejoiced over what they supposed was the believers’ false faith.

And they began to rejoice over their brethren, saying: Behold the time is past, and the words of Samuel are not fulfilled; therefore, your joy and your faith concerning this thing hath been vain.    —3 Nephi 1:6

Don’t claim to know Jesus, and to lift him up, and to claim a belief in his doctrine, and then deny the more parts of his gospel. (4th Nephi 1:27)

For God will show unto you and I that every unfulfilled prophecy of the Book of Mormon will come to pass.  And it will come with great glory and consolation to the believers, and those desiring to be used as instruments in His hands, and polished shafts in His quiver. (1st Nephi 21:2, Isaiah 49:2)  I believe one can succeed by accepting the Holy Spirit’s constant invitation to feast upon the words of Christ (2nd Nephi 31:20), while acknowledging one’s unworthiness before God at all times. (Alma 38:14, Moses 1:10)

Thank you for your time and consideration of these things.

Kelly Gneiting May 10, 2023

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Oriol Heperi
Oriol Heperi
10 months ago

Kelly, I admire your dedication to the cause of the Native American people. I’m interested to know if the ones in the church identify themselves as Lamanites. I ask because members of the church here, even though they know the Book of Mormon, continue to identify themselves as ‘Maori’, which is a label put on us when Aotearoa, was colonised. We are Nephites, thru Hagoth, the first family here, as shown in the video

Wondering if you watched the video yet on my Before Aotearoa Beyond FB page and if you have any feedback.


Craig Fountain
Craig Fountain
9 months ago

I promised to read this and have some questions for you.

  1. Can you give me your understanding of Galations 3.27-29. FYI I use the JST
  2. Why do you exclude the rest of the lost remnant of the house of Israel and conclude that, even though it references the whole house of Israel, it only speaks to the Native American People.

I think if you can provide me these insights, I can better understand your conclusions.