Scripture Study Topics (Posts)
The Blinding & Revealing Nature of Light (2/8/2023)
Did the Gentiles Keep Their First Estate? (2/10/2023)
Do we Despise the Words of Plainness? (2/15/2023)
YouTube: Jesus’ Book of Mormon Prophecy of 3rd Nephi 16, 20, 21 & 22 (3/13/2023)
I Cannot Say the Smallest Part Which I Feel (3/20/2023)
“In the Latter Days Ye Shall Understand it Plainly” —Jeremiah 23:20 (3/24/2023)
Foreword to Book of Mormon Prophecies Book (5/17/2023)
Idolatry vs. Missing the Mark (8/17/2023)
BREAKING NEWS: Native Americans Continue to Drink the White Man’s Tang (but what’s new?) (8/25/2023, written 1/2/2023)
Timeline of the Father’s Lives (9/5/2023)
Judah’s Tribute to His Brother, Joseph (9/5/2023)