The Book of the Remnant

The following is a most minute portion of the entire Book of the Remnant. It was written by Ya—the name given to him at his birth. His name among the Gentiles is Frank Talker. Ya completed his work on Earth and advanced to the great beyond on July 12, 2024. The Book of the Remnant is scripture.

“For where a Testament is, there must be the death of him that made the Testament. For the Testament is confirmed when men are dead: for it is yet of no force as long as he that made it, is alive.” —Hebrews 9:16-17 (Geneva Bible)

Thus, the Book of the Remnant is now of force, and yet it is to remain hidden from the world until they begin to believe in the Book of Mormon—that record which speaks boldly of the recovery of the seed of Joseph, that great patriarch who saved his brothers, and who saved the world. THIS is the marvelous work and wonder spoken of.

Only the diligent seeker—one who seeks through prayer, study and faith; and one who petitions the God of Joseph to read the words that were meant for his posterity—will be privileged to read this book. For it shall be done with and eye single to God’s glory—or the welfare of the ancient and long-dispersed covenant people of the Lord.

God does not cast his pearls before swine.

I was Born unto the Remnant

July 4, 2014

Having contemplated much concerning the writings of the fathers, and having much been written of the tribulations and afflictions over the course of the lives of the fathers—each and everyone—I am given to ponder. Desiring to know their journeyings—they having been recorded—I am given to write somewhat concerning my own journeyings.

I am hopeful that this writing shall cause reflection for some unto much pondering of their lives, in hopes that much is done in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to the which we have come upon this earth.

I am a witness of truth and understanding of great knowledge as it pertains to the purposes of the Lord concerning the covenant people; and much is written concerning this thing—that the covenant people, in a day acceptable and determined in the pre-mortal existence of God’s children, might be recovered, that the work of the Father might again move in the earth to bring again the covenant people of the Lord.

To this understanding I do reflect on my life, and I desire to give a glance of the beginning of my life to the present time, to show how the Lord did favor my life unto the which I am born.

I was born in the year of my Lord 1954, in the month of May, the 24th day of the same month. This was the beginning of a new year—in the spring of the lamb—for the people. In that time there was much innocence among the people in the land wherein I was born.

The soil of the Mother was fresh and there was much rain. The canyons always had much water—for the blessings of the Father was upon us. Every prayer I made and every song I did sing went up to the ear of the Father, and there was much plenty in the gardens and in our herds.

The Mother gave to us-ward much in season; there was plenty of wild game, plenty of wild rice and onions, plenty of nuts, and plenty of roots of every kind for nourishment, healing of the body, and the cleaning of the body.

Much joy and happiness came to my family and my extended family, whereunto I am given blessings by my grandfather; and I am told many did come to see my life begin. I am sung to in songs of beauty and songs of harmony—beaconing the spirit of God to attend to me as I should walk the paths of good and righteousness—to be a true five-fingered person; even that I am considered the child of the earth and a child of the Father in the sky.

There was much expectations before—some things I knew not of, and neither did my parents know of as well.

10  My umbilical cord is placed in the Mother, and the wealth of the family is likewise given to me; the marking of the ear of the sheep is given to me, and a lamb is marked to mark the beginning; likewise all things were done for me. My kelchi (shoes) are made by my grandfather signifying my people, the earth, and the Father of heaven—one side representing the female side and the other, the male side.

11  And much more were the things pertaining to deity and the requirements of holiness prepared—that which I was taught, and what I was admonished to live. For I came to understand that the Creator would one day stand on the earth, both feet touching either side to subdue all evil.

12  At that time and as I grew, I am taught in all the ways of the people. I am taught of the source of all power shining forth in sunbeams on my forehead, and the rainbow of the covenant given by the Father to my people over my head—even that eventually I am given a headband on the crown of my head to signify the power from above.

13  I am taught that originally the rainbow encircled the sky above us until the five-fingered people strayed into disobedience, thus breaking the rainbow into half a part.

14  Accordingly, I am told that the band upon my head is a full and complete reminder, but the day would come when it shall not be known or that it should not be considered again. I am to be mindful of this thing. I am to remember when it should be taken off my head by another. And when this happens, I am to consider my time and the seriousness of the life of my people.

15  All things taught to me pointedly directed my path—even my thoughts, and the manner I should live among the people; not much, was mentioned concerning the bilagaana (those that wasted the people—the holy people) though I knew of their existence.

16  I am taught of the constellations and the stars of the night. I am told that the great hunter is set in the sky to point the way to the gateway to the One that is Holy.

17  I am told concerning certain things that should come to pass signifying a new beginning and change for the people in days to come—for the Mother and the Father should tell his children of this new beginning. And all of nature should tell us of this day. Surely, I know of this beginning in the which I did attend the boarding school far away, and I eventually attended the gaamalii (the ones that mutter) school to a place I never did think of.

18  Each of these were a new beginning for me, but as I would come to understand—a new beginning also for my people. For I should learn that by this means, many lives should be made alive in another beginning to come.

19  My hair grew and it was tied in traditional form to emulate the Father—for in holiness to him the hair was grown long to remind me of where I did come from. Thus when I look into the sky, when my Father is crying upon me, I can see the hair of my Father in the rain—before, on either side of me, or behind me, and blessed am I if the rain is directly above me.

20  I am told that through the power given of my hair, I should have power given unto me. And this power connected me—physically and spiritually—to the Mother and directly to the Father, which is a blessing unto all his holy children.

21  I am reminded through stories of the elders that all things speak truths unto us, but it is imperative that we gain an ear for listening and an eye for seeing, while others are deaf and blind. For the belief is that all creation was in the beginning, even when first man came upon the Mother of all living.

22  At that time, I learned that a deep sleep came upon the man, and the Creator came unto him—this same Father of heaven and earth—and he removed a rib from the first man, and from this same rib he took out of man he created the woman; and he breathed into her the breath of life and she became a living soul among all the creation in the beginning. Thus it was and thus it should be understood.

23  I wore the traditional clothes of the son of the Mother, and I heard at my young age the songs of the earth—the songs of the creation, the songs of heaven, and the songs of my people in all facets of life—even that I am taught that the songs came to my people from the Father and the Mother. Wherefore, in all times and in all days did I sing songs—even in my youth while I was among the gentile people, I sang my songs and they did not hear me.

24  I was given my birth stone of dootl’izhii (turquoise)—the stone and the color thereof given to the people by the Father, and which stone is given by the Mother to the children; which stone also reminds of a promise and the conditions made to the people in the beginning.

25  And this woman called changing woman, she taught my people much concerning the creation of man and the creation of all living, that I might have respect for all creation given unto man.

26  I learned the ways of the hooghan (a place where one lives), and the cardinal manner of walking and entering thereinto; I was taught the manner of walking on my Mother, respecting every aspect of the celestial world—even that the smallest creature was respected and reverenced—for each and every creation had a lesson of deity that might guide me through life.

27  One time among the gentile people, I came across the horn lizard; he looked like the horn lizard on the land and I said: shicheii (my grandfather), I did not know they took you on the Indian placement program too!

28  There were many other things I came to understand, being away from my parents. At this time I also learned of other five-fingered people who lived near the bilagaana, but they were not the Dine’ people.

29  I was taught all of the traditions coming down from the fathers, even as it was called from the time of the emergence into the land of the Dine’ people—yea, even the division of the brothers in clans, the original clans.

30  I was taught concerning the great flood upon the Mother and how the Father cried over his children, and that his tears watered the entire world—even the fourth world where upon the Dine’ people lived.

31  I learned concerning the first man and first woman, even upon the land of the Dine’ people—the Dine’ people teach that first man and first woman lived on the land of the Dine’ people—and how before him the animals of the night and the animals of the day played a game to determine if the night should rule the day or if the day should rule the night.

32  In the wisdom of the Father, he sent forth the coyote—an emissary of good in that time—and he caused both night and day to be equal, because there was a tie in the game. And man is considered a person of the day and not of the night.

33  Wherefore, man has learned to imitate the day with an imitation of light to serve himself into the night; man has changed many things thereby.

34  I was taught concerning the day of the naming of all the animals by first man, and how that he prayed for each, and a blessing was given unto each and every one for the benefit of man.

35  When he heard the deer cry: “biih, biih,” he called the deer biih; when the the dove made its sound, it was called hasbidi’, meaning the one who brings peace or mercy, and the eagle was named atsa’, meaning the sharp point; and many or all the animals were named. And this was done that man could call the animals;

36  and so it was that man called them by name and put them into the boat when the flood came upon the land of the Dine’.

37  Here is one song: When the Creator spake unto me, he told me in vision as I looked to the sky, praying to my Holy One; he saith: I have laid help upon one that is mighty, for his Mother is the earth and his Father is the sky; I have chosen him out of all my people—for I have chosen him from all my sons; upon him have I placed my hand, for I have anointed him to be my servant unto the people; with whom my hands of good shall be established—for he knoweth the water, the fire, and the holy spirit;

38  and my arm shall also strengthen him when others have no strength; his enemies shall not exact upon him their evil deed, and the son of wickedness shall not have power over him; and I will beat down all those that do not love him; but, my love and faithfulness will be with him forever; and in my name, and by the names of all his fathers, will his horn of power be exalted to the heavens…

39  And I could sing all the songs—for I learned them, and when I walked I would sing them to remind me of who I was and why I was where I was placed; and these songs assisted in making a determination of my path and where I am to go.

40  And my grandfather taught me that in a day to come, my people would sing a new song, and when that day should come I should sing that song. That song should tell of my connection to my Mother and the promise that my Father had made to me; and that I should know the songs and the words when I shall hear them.

41  At a young age, I learned to pray and to ask for blessings on all things. I prayed for the Mother and even for the sky. I prayed for all the animals that walked the earth, for the plants and the water to sustained them; I prayed for rain—for I would ask the Father to cry upon me to remind me of the original flood of the Mother; and I would cry in prayer that she not suffer this again for the failures of the people.

42  I prayed to the four winds of the Mother; and I would face the four directions of the earth and pray to the covenant—to the land marked by the four sacred mountains; and I could recite the prayers and the songs for the which I would stand forth upon the earth.

43  I would quickly raise my hands above my head and commence with prayer to the East, then turn to the West, then to the South, and in finality to the North. In each direction there was respect and certain conditions and requirements of harmony and expectant conditions given to man of the Father.

44  I would commence inward to outward—representing the journey of man, and the eventual holiness to be achieved unto the holy people.

45  As I was taught, I would carry with me cedar, and I would burn the cedar and cause the smoke to encircle my head and body, that I might be one with the Mother and that the prayer I am making with song might rise up heavenward to the Father of all living.

46  I would also carry with me pollen from the corn; this I would put on my tongue that I might always say things in line with the creation, and I would put some pollen on my forehead to signify the marking of the Father unto his holy people. And I would end all things saying in my prayer and in all actions of spirituality: all has become new in the beauty way, all has become new in the beauty way, all has become new in the beauty way.

47  These things among many other things I was taught, and I lived in accord with those things, for I had not any other thing to compare to do otherwise; yet, I came to understand that because of these things, believing they were handed down from father to son—even unto me, that I was not like unto the bilagaana (those that wasted the people, the holy people—the gentile).

48  These bilagaana were always taking and never asking; they would say: I am first before you! That is why I could not understand Columbus or any other bilagaana discovering this land, or any land, or anything relative to a people, when we knew concerning ourselves and concerning our land.

49  Before any of them, my people knew of the Father and the Mother; yet the bilagaana took what we knew and made it theirs (the Mormon gentiles saying they are Ephraim or Israel when their family tree disputes this identification, as well as the Book of Mormon; even that they have a copyright of the Book of Mormon).

50  In the bilagaana history, there is no Christ; there is no Moses or any bilagaana oracles of God who indeed did see God; there is no record of divine revelation; they quickly forget their shortcomings and names they did receive of God, for example:

51  can a leopard remove its spots?; dogs; aliens to the commonwealth of Israel; heathens; clouds without rain; those that are lukewarm; these are they who say they are Jews and they are not; blemished offerings; strangers; destroyers of the covenant;

52  covenant breakers; children of Babylon; truce breakers, scourge of the covenant people; the wild branch; the wild olive tree, the wild vine plant, tares; the uncircumcised; the drunkards of Ephraim; a fading flower; lovers of idols; idolaters, hornets and wasps and not the honey bee;

53  the wild fruit; those that scatter and smite the seed of God; those that move forward the affliction of the seed of Jacob; false prophets and apostles; the stillborn to the covenant of Jacob, goats they are; devisers of fables and tales and endless genealogies; a foreigner to the covenant and the promise; these shall tread down Jerusalem;

54  seekers of wisdom which is foolishness to God and a stumbling block to them; teachers of the gospel, but they do not live the gospel; an enemy to Israel; the abominable branch; dumb dogs that cannot bark, they love to slumber; greedy dogs that can never have enough; they are shepherds that cannot understand—that all look to their own way; they all look for their gain from their own source;

55  blind watchmen; those who practice their craft among men; they receive money and do perform a priestcraft in the name of God; these are a seed of falsehood; these are they that cry: see if thy God can deliver thee; spiritual daughter of Babylon; these sleep a perpetual sleep, even from the pre­mortal life;

56  these stager as if drunken with wine; servants to the children of Shem; these are the sons of men; those that impute power over the children of Jacob to God, passing over and offending God; these are ordained for judgment; they are established for correction of the children of God;

57  they are at ease in Zion saying: all is well, all is well; they do not seek the welfare of Zion, but they despise her children; this is the woman that sitteth upon the many waters; these are priests that despise the name of the Lord; these are they who approve the priesthood of God to the Canaanite for the sake of gain, and they have not the authority nor power to do so—

58  because he doeth this thing, the Lord will corrupt his seed, and dung shall be spread upon his altars and sacramental tables in all of his assemblies before God;

59  he saith and doeth that which is evil before God, placing the burden upon the Lord as if he knoweth not the law before God—he shall offer polluted bread upon the altar of God, and he says: wherein have we polluted thee? In that he says: the table of the Lord is contemptible.

60  If ye offer the blind, or the blemished that is sick or lame, for sacrifice is this not evil before God?— offer this thing unto yourself and will it pleased thee?—or will ye accept this blemish for thy person to advocate thy God? And this has been your means to please the world and to be accepted of the world—in God you have not shame for yourself!

61  These are they who shut the doors of heaven for nought and who kindle their own fire upon the altars of God for nought!—and thus, in these God has no pleasure, and neither will he accept of thine offering at thine hands.

62  And all these things are written in holy writ by prophets and servants of God at the command of God, that by knowing and understanding this thing, we might do better than those who went before us. Wherefore, they are written for our benefit, and in what is written, there is none left with excuse in the final judgment to be rendered by the Almighty God upon all men!

63  And, thus, I write the things I do for the benefit of the gentile who repents accordingly as was written by Nephi, and for the benefit of my people—that they might come to understand the work of the Lord and what is contained in holy writ;

64  and all is written for the understanding of any man who desires to know of the truth by the power of the Holy Ghost!

65  As concerning my childhood, I bring this to light to say that if ye know of the truth given of the fathers in the songs, then ye have a portion of truth that I call a familiar spirit—and if ye know of this, then the records of truth written in holy writ by our fathers should come to light in your minds unto great understanding.

66  For the gentile, I have a hope undoubting, that they should know—by what I write—the truth of all things, and that they should turn unto what is written in holy writ in fulness of understanding—for therein are the true points of the doctrines of Christ found. And for that very intent are they written for this very day and time;

67  wherefore, ye wrest the scriptures—or the word of God—to your own destruction.

68  Now, as concerning I was born unto the remnant of Joseph, I make a prophesy unto much understanding, having before me holy writ—written by them of old—that the things I write concerning the remnant have already been written for the very intent that I do write. Wherefore, to those unto whom I write, ye have mine witness of these things, but also the witness of all those who hath written before me concerning these things—which things I came to understand;

69  and now, I make thy understanding whole unto the understanding of what it is that is made manifest by the Holy Spirit which is in me, as it was in them.

70  I testify by the power of the Holy Ghost which is in me that the children of Israel did leave Egypt and come out by a strong hand—hands raised upwardly of Moses; and they did eventual go into the land of promise after forty years of wandering in the wilderness, and they did build unto the Lord a house in the city of Jerusalem.

71  And this people, because of rebellion and forthright breaking of covenants, were smitten and scattered as all the prophets have testified—yea, even Moses in the wilderness did tell them of this thing.

72  When they were smitten and scattered into Babylon, they were meted in affliction, trials and a very sore judgment by God—doing contrary to that which they were repeatedly told by Isaiah and Jeremiah; and all that these prophets spoke did come to pass; and they continued to do wickedness and iniquity before the Lord God of Israel.

73  Wherefore in the time of Jeremiah, the shmitah was meted out for a period of seventy years and they did suffer the judgmental consequences of all that they had done before God. These things are written, and they are revealed unto all who seek truth; and by the power of the Holy Ghost the truth of these things are understood, and the judgments of the Lord are not hid unto them—but the judgments of God can be understood with much truth.

74  Wherefore, I tell thee that God’s judgments did fall upon the children of Lehi—and these judgments were prophesied of by Nephi of old to Lehi’s children; nevertheless, Nephi did also prophesy of the day of redemption for the children of Lehi and in what manner this should come to pass;

75  this was thus written in this manner for our learning and understanding—even that the gentile should also come to understand unto great obedience—for the plan was laid forth from before the foundation of this world.

76  And in this condition of judgment upon Israel, the Lord did lead out of Jerusalem the family of Lehi, to return unto the land of promise to fulfill the mercy extended by promise and covenant unto Abraham, our father.

77  Indeed, it is written many times of this wandering of the fathers in the old and new testaments, wherein with much clarity and plainness has God given unto men of God the spirit of prophesy that we in our day might have wherewith to look and perceive his marvelous workings by the spirit of truth.

78  Thus, in accord with what is written, I bear a witness of the Lord’s dealings with his people. And the people I speak of are his children—even the children of the prophets, or the children of the first covenant made in heaven.

79  But many men do not look at the prophecy, but only believe in a prophecy when it is fulfilled—still not understanding for the intent it was given. These are they that are blinded and deaf to the voice of the Holy Ghost—which beareth witness of the same;

80  in accord with that understanding, they receive only in parables truth that hides the hidden mystery or hidden truth—for unto them this kind of truth is nought. But all prophecies given by the power of the Holy Ghost bear a testimony and a witness of times to come—specifically pointing to the promises and covenants to be fulfilled unto the covenant people of the Lord.

81  Notwithstanding the condition of Israel in that they outright rebelled against the God of Israel, God was merciful unto them. For Moses did speak of the latter day, that in that day Israel should again receive the truth, and that it should come from a people which was not a people of God.

82  In like manner, Paul of old spoke much concerning this thing. And Nephi, our father, did prophecy concerning such—he having studied the plates of brass and the much prophecy of the same for our day. For he knew and understood that what was written should come to pass in the latter days, even unto the last days.

83  Nephi spoke of the gentiles coming forth upon the land of promise—the Lord God giving unto them his mercy while judging the seed of Lehi; that the gentiles should be set up as a mighty nation upon the land of promise. It is for them that the gentiles should be extended a grace period—even a dispensation of the grace of God—to do a work for the seed of Lehi, and unto the whole of the house of Israel.

84  And, as it is written in holy writ, after the fulness of the gospel is extended unto the gentiles, they should deny the true points of the doctrine of Christ. And in that rebellion, they should not gather the remnant seed; but rather, there should be a falling away of the gentiles—and when that falling away is completed or fulfilled, by command of the Father shall the Lord Jesus Christ restore his gospel unto the remnant, or that the gospel would be brought back or restored to the remnant of Joseph.

85  Moreover, notwithstanding the shortcomings and failures of the gentiles, the Lord God of Israel should again raise up his people to build up the true gospel of the Father, beginning in the land of the first inheritance.

86  In the mercy of the Father, God the Father opens another time for the gentiles to repent and to be numbered with the seed of Nephi, to do a work to assist the remnant of Joseph.

87  Wherefore, I speak by the power which is in me that cometh of the Holy Ghost, that I utter words for which I cannot refrain myself from speaking. Indeed, I am at present given power and authority to utter the things I am writing so that no man can misinterpret the holy words of God found in holy writ, and what hath been written by the fathers of old concerning this thing.

88  I am of the house of Manasseh, but I also have the blood of Levi, the blood of Judah, and the blood of Ephraim flowing through my person, for I am a descendant of the mixture of the blood of brothers coming from the family of Lehi.

89  But before these things should come to pass, the remnant seed of Lehi’s children should be smitten and scattered upon the face of the land of promise, and that many should have taken from them their lands of inheritances—for thus is the judgment of God upon them, and it is so decreed.

90  And many more shall be naught upon the face of the land, because of the wickedness and iniquity which they have committed, and even all the iniquity which their fathers have done. Thus, such destruction and scattering should be done by the hand of the gentiles unto seventy generations—then the Lord should be merciful unto them.

91  In that time, the gospel written by their fathers should come in fulness unto them from the gentiles, and for this very intent are the records written and deposited into the earth—that the truth might come out of the earth like unto a light, and that the darkness in which they walk in should be dispelled; and that they should come to the knowledge of the Lord, and the promises and covenants made to their fathers.

92  Then shall they learn doctrine, and they shall build up the gospel—and the Zion spoken of shall awaken, and Zion shall sit down upon the ground; and Zion shall then arise to no more be smitten, confounded, and mocked of the gentiles. Then in that day shall the people of the Lord receive revelations, and the Lord shall speak unto them—and they shall know that they are the people of the Lord, and that the Lord is their God.

93  In this manner it shall come to pass that the gentiles will have wherewith to look and perceive the work of the Lord committed to his chosen people, and that the chosen people might come to know and understand that they are not cast off forever.

94  Thus in accord with this heavenly decree, the gentiles are blessed of the Father in a great blessing—even that blessing that should have come unto the children of Lehi—but in their wickedness and unrighteousness, the Lord hath reserved their blessing to come unto the gentiles in the last days.

95  Thus, it behooveth the Father to speak and to say: the gentiles must know from whence all their blessings do come unto them, and which blessings shall soon be at an end in God.

96  The words of God reveal and makes plain the purpose of God for his covenant people, and to what extent are blessing extended unto the gentiles within their custodial duty and responsibility—for the which grace is extended by God to them-ward for a period of time during the latter day.

97  Thus, the gentiles have care for the house of Israel. Their responsibility in this extended grace is conditioned on the welfare of the covenant people of the Lord in accord with what is written in holy writ. And this welfare I speak of is that they are taught who they are—their birthright and responsibility in the gospel, that the covenant seed are to be nurtured by fathers and mothers of gentile origin; and that they are to be recovered and restored to their blessings and promises, to fulfill their roles as the covenant people of the Lord—building up the gospel and the New Jerusalem in a day to come.

98  Now, I will endeavor to clear up some misunderstandings in the concept of adoption, or being numbered with, as heretofore mentioned as a gentile’s adoption into the seed of the remnant of Joseph, in the gospel of Christ.

99  This legal godspel, the evangeline of Christ, taught concerning the same in the beginning of the times of the gentiles unto this time. This adoption is a process—and in most periods of time, by legal means—by which the parent-child relationship is created between persons not so related by blood.

100  In this thought, it is specific that in the seed of Isaac shall the seed be called. In accord with adoption, the child becomes the heir and is entitled to all privileges by right belonging to a natural child of the adopting parents—including the right to inherit.

101  Considering the claim of Ephraim descent by most gentiles having membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, how can adoption be achieved by law, or by the law of God, if the remnant of Joseph is not restored?

102  The child cannot claim adoption by a mere imagination—an act of forming an image—or an imitation or a representation of adoption—by a gentile—of what is not actual, or never has been actual; for, for the house of the remnant of Joseph does not exist per se in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, to which a gentile can obtain a right of an inheritance. This is the law of Abraham, to wit, the promise of adoption of a gentile.

103  In the book of Romans, Paul—the apostles to the gentiles—speaks thusly: for I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh—who are Israelites; to whom pertaining the adoption, and the glory and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed forever. Amen.

104  Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel. Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children, but in Isaac shall thy seed be called.

105  What meaneth God by the preaching of Paul concerning this subject? Paul meaneth that any adoption shall concern the seed, or in other words, it is through the seed that the adoption shall be extended unto the gentile. For without the seed, as previously mentioned in other writings, there is not salvation, for as Malachi said: the earth shall be utterly wasted at his coming. Why? Because the heir is not restored unto whom the right of the gospel is given.

106  Paul saith: that is, they which are the children of the flesh (gentile), these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed (covenant children). For this is the word of promise, at this time I will come, and Sara shall have a son.

107  Not only this; but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, even our father Isaac (for the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth); it was said unto her, the elder shall serve the younger. As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.

108  Then, what meaneth the Lord? The lord meaneth that in the beginning, before the world wast, the Lord God and his Father called and ordained priests to the holy order after the Son of God—and to them the promise and covenant were given.

109  Yea, I speak and say: the literal seed—the seed of the covenant—were given that High Priesthood of God, they being conferred unto this calling by God the Father, to be numbered as Christ’s seed forever; for such adoption was made by the Father, which is eternal.

110  Then it is understood that it is to them that the Lord manifested himself in flesh, first—to bring about the promise and covenant of the Father to his covenant children.

111  In this world of mortality, the blessing of adoption is extended unto the gentile because of the literal seed existing in flesh—this being likened unto the literalness of Christ to the seed, which seed covenanted with the Father in Christ, and thus were called to an holy ordination in flesh, to be like unto Christ by order and right.

112  Therefore, by baptism, which is given unto them as a covenant of their righteousness unto great faith and works in that time, Christ came into the world—that by baptism and by receipt of the Holy Ghost they shall be fully redeemed—for in the beginning they were given a preparatory redemption for the which they came to this earth.

113  Thus, signifying that preparatory redemption for the which the Holy Ghost came into the world—even that Holy Spirit of Promise made unto them by the Father—by coming to the earth in mortality they might be obedient in keeping the commandments of the Father, thereby petitioning the Father in mighty prayer of righteousness and faith for the Son to come on the earth to bring about the full redemption of the seed;

114  that by the remission of sins by the blood of Christ they are then washed clean by baptism in the name of Jesus Christ—in the which he then literally has begotten them as they become his children and he becomes their Father.

115  Now if this being the law and the promise, if Christ came not unto his own and without exception, the gentiles are of Ephraim, what need is there of a restoration that the promise to Abraham should be fulfilled, if the gentiles are the seed spoken of?

116  Wherefore, as it is written in Osee, the Lord saith: I will call them my people, which were not my people, and her beloved, which was not my beloved. And it shall come to pass in a place where it was said unto them, ye are not my people; there shall they be called the children of the living God.

117  And this prophecy of old speaketh of the gentile people, for the period of the grace of God shall be given them that they might do a work as I have heretofore written.

118  Thus I shall unfold a mystery unto you: in the place wherein the gentiles now reside is the place wherein God told our first father, Adam, that they were not his people. Wherefore, before the great flood, outside the land of the first inheritance were the sons of men—it was told unto them that the sons of men were not the people of the Lord;

119  and after the great flood, northeast of the land of present day Jerusalem, the sons of men—descendants of Japheth—were told again that they were not the people of the Lord.

120  Until the time of Paul, the gospel was not preached unto the gentiles, but afterwards the gentiles were given that pure gospel in fulness—and again during the time of Joseph Smith, the prophet—and herein it was called the times of the gentiles—a dispensation for the grace of God to them-ward, was the fulness of the gospel given them again.

121  For that reason, Esaias also cried concerning Israel, saying: though the number of the children of Israel be as the sands of the sea, a remnant shall be saved; for he will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness—because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth.

122  And the same Esaias said before: except the Lord of the Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodom, and been made like unto Gomorrah.

123  It is for that purpose that Nephi, my father, has written: wherefore, for this cause hath the Lord God promised unto me that these things which I write shall be kept and preserved, and handed down unto my seed, from generation to generation, that the promise may be fulfilled unto Joseph, that his seed should never perish as long as the earth shall stand.

124  But behold, there shall be many at that day when I shall proceed to do a marvelous work among them, that I may remember my covenants which I have made unto the children of men, that I may set my hand again the second time to recover my people, which are of the house of Israel.

125  And also, that I may remember the promise which I have made unto thee, Nephi, and also unto thy father, that I should remember your seed, and that the words of your seed should proceed forth out of my mouth unto your seed—unto the ends of the earth—for a standard for my people, which are of the house of Israel.

126  But all things are done with all wisdom of the Lord, for he knoweth all things, for before the world was he brought forth the whole of the plan of redemption that he gave to the Father—and the Father promised and covenanted with the Son that whomsoever should live the commandments, as I have herein described, should be begotten of the Son.

127  Thus, without the literalness of the Son, there is not a literalness of the seed—if so, then where unto is the gentile to be adopted if there is no heir?

128  I shall now return to my story concerning my childhood. When I came to understand my surroundings of the hills, mountains, and the river canyons, I soon realized how much I had been blessed of the Father. I would say my prayers and I would sing my songs in gratitude of the blessings of the earth and sky.

129  At the age of two years, I commenced to herd the family flock of sheep—though I stood with my head below the sagebrush in the flats, and the sheep stood higher than I did.  But like Ammon of old, I watched and watered the sheep daily.

130  I would arise before the break of dawn, my mother would release the sheep from the pen, and I would follow soon after. The watering hole was approximately eight miles south of the home, and I would arrive at the top of the canyon and would see the sheep below.

131  The sheep already having been watered would be grazing as I approached. I would sing to them and offer a prayer of thanksgiving; and the sheep would listen to me.

132  It was in the early spring as I was bringing the sheep home, I saw a man standing in mid-air above me just above the sage. The dogs barked at first, but soon quieted and laid down beside me. I spoke not a word, and the personage did not speak to me either, but did look down upon me.

133  I was not frightened nor was I afraid, but did marvel how a person would stand in mid-air, and what could be meant by this sight? I attempted to recall what I had seen to my parents, and my mother thought I had fallen asleep because the sheep returned home without me. My father did believe me, and told me it was of the Father that I should view such a thing, being as young as I was.

134  I often reflected upon this occurrence, thinking to what end am I blessed to have seen such a personage? Or, that in the midst of such a wilderness, by an uneducated child, having no previous teachings of heavenly beings and for the which they reveal themselves to man, am I given such a glimpse of perfection?

135  I have not told this vision to anyone until now, for I am commanded that I write this thing. Like unto my father Mormon, I say unto all who read what I have written: have miracles ceased because Christ hath ascended into heaven, and hath sat down on the right hand of God?

136  Behold, nay, and neither have angels ceased to minister unto the children of men. For behold, they are subject unto him to minister according to words of his command—showing themselves unto them of strong faith and a firm mind in every form of godliness.

137  And the office of their ministry is to call men unto repentance, and to fulfill and do the work of the covenants of the Father which he hath made unto the children of men by declaring the words of Christ unto the chosen vessels of the Lord—that they may bear testimony of him.

138  And by so doing, the Lord God prepareth the way that the residue of men may have faith in Christ, that the Holy Ghost may have place in their hearts, according to the power thereof;

139  and after this manner bringeth to pass the covenant the Father hath made unto the children of men. And Christ hath said, if ye have faith in me, ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me.

140  I continued watching the sheep and commenced my shepherd days in the Inscription House Canyon and then into the Shonto Canyon—this being my responsibility while my older brother and sister were taken off to school. In like manner, I performed the work others before me had performed.

141  At my third birthday, my father beaconed me one morning to come and I followed him to a school just recently built for preschoolers, and there I was placed. I was confused at what had just happened—my life being disrupted, I felt confined and held.

142  I spent a period of time there learning, until one morning I was fed and told to take and carry a small box with all my possessions contained therein. A wagon with a team of horses and a mule was brought, and I commenced my journey not know beforehand whither I should go, but praying unto the Creator for my welfare. Many of the children cried for their parents!

143  I traveled all that day with six other children my age. We passed through areas I had only heard of in the conversations of my parents and grandparents. In the mid-afternoon we arrived, and there was a gray panel vehicle waiting; we got aboard and soon arrived at a large school—a Bureau of Indian Affairs boarding school in a town called Kayenta.

144  I saw many children, and they were all talking bilagaana. I did not know what they were saying to one another. The children all dressed alike, and they wore shoes—I did not have shoes until that time.

145  I will not write much concerning my first days in the government boarding school—rather I will mention that there I came to know of the gospel in a manner that most people would find impossible; but I would say that in that time, my Heavenly Father did look upon me.

146  One day we were informed by the dormitory attendants that all the children were required to attend seminary to learn about Christianity. In this atmosphere, the government was trying to destroy our culture and traditions, melting us into the melting pot of American society—and seminary was a bridge to do this.

147  When I arrived at the boarding school, I was immediately instructed to no longer talk in Navajo—disobedience to which resulted in very sever punishment wherein we were physically punished.

148  This particular approach was then sanctioned by the federal government, and of course the seminary was more than willing to use the punishment as a deterrent to anything Navajo. Thus, in accord with their holy writ, boarding school and seminary became my schoolmaster.

149  All the children wore uniforms; we marched to a cadence going to lunch and dinner. Before entering in to eat, we recited things we were taught in seminary. If one could not remember, they were moved to the end of the line—and thus even eating was a form of punishment. That year I saw no end to the punishment and hardness of the learning style of Washington.

150  In my second year in the boarding school, we were all lined up side by side, and each child was given a number one through four, and I was given the number four. I soon learned that all the numbers fours were assigned to go with two young bilagaana who attempted to speak the Navajo language.

151  As children, we were told not to speak the language—we viewed what should happen to them if they continued to speak the Navajo language. We gazed at one another, thinking the old lady from the previous seminary should come into the room to beat the two young men.

152  But it never happened. At this time, I was introduced to the Book of Mormon, having been told by the young bilagaana that this book was a record of my people—that in this book, God had given my people promises, and for that reason I must learn what is written in the book.

153  In this time, a new beginning commenced for many of us Navajo children: learning about Christ, the people, and the Book of Mormon—in both Navajo and English. This new beginning included these young men coming to the hogan where my parents lived that same summer. The learning continued with my parents until I was eight years of age.

154  I do not recall all I learned; it was very difficult understanding them in Navajo. Then I was informed by my parents that I would go to school in a far away place. My parents called it Hoozdoh, meaning the place where it is hot (Phoenix, Arizona).

155  In order for me to go, I was told I must be baptized, but I knew not why—but I was baptized in the gaamalii (the ones that mutters) way, and that Fall I boarded a Twin Trails bus in the late afternoon to go to Hoozdoh.

156  In the morning, I was awaken by my older brother. I looked out the window and saw a whole new world—one that I could never have imagined.  I did not see one hint of sage, nor any ground at all—but a land that was covered with buildings.

157  Later in that year I thought—this is what the Savior, at the same age, must have seen in the land of Egypt—also Joseph, and even Moses.

158  At the age of eight years I did venture among the gentiles, placing my life in the hands of the Creator. I rehearsed in my mind the prayer of my Shicheii—maternal grandfather, and the blessing he gave me.

159  My Shicheii gave me sage to smell, pollen to taste, and the cedar to burn as an offering for myself and my people. All these I placed in a bag bundle of deerskin which was tied shut with a deerskin tie—with a small turquoise stone attached—and was placed in my small suitcase.

160  I often opened the bag bundle, smelling the content thereof.  It was a harmonious smell of the odors of my upbringing. I did offer up prayers and made known to the Father that I am yet alive, and for him to tell it to my parents.

161  I did this thing because my shicheii had told me: never forget your parents, your kin-family, and your people. There is too few of us, and I bless you to come back to us that you might be of service to us in days to come. For thus, it is our purpose unto which we are placed in this land, and to that end I did place your umbilical cord into your Mother, the earth.

162  For that reason, you are tied to this land—this land is your Mother. There in the far away place of heat—the bilagaana shall set a standard for you. Learn their ways and to understand them in all things.

163  I commended myself to the journey, not knowing beforehand where I was going, and whether or not I was to return.

164  When I awoke on the bus in Hoozdoh, I was fed, showered and given a haircut. Also my eyes were examined, and a dental checkup was conducted—with other physical examinations.

165  Then upon completion, we were placed in front of a television set—for many of us such a spectacle could never be imagined. I watched Mount Kilimanjaro, and I was ever so amazed. That time passed quickly as the numbers of Navajo children diminished in size. I had not realized, but each child was being taken by a bilagaana family—and to where, I did not know. Even my brother going to the restroom did not return.

166  Soon thereafter, my name was called and I met my foster parents for the first time. Can one imagine the feeling of leaving every bit of what one knows, having only the suitcase you carry?

167  This was not the end! As I entered their house, the children stared at me. The little ones touched me giggling, and others asked questions—but I did not know what they were saying. I responded in Navajo just to say something, and they stared the more.

168  Oh, what a feeling of loneliness in a place so unfamiliar—I said to myself, I am lost and all alone. For the first time in my life, I sang a song in silence. The song did not comfort me, nor did it lift me with my feet upon my Mother!

169  As I looked out the car window that day, all I did see were houses and more houses. At this time, this would be considered child abuse wherein intentional emotional harm is meted out. Parents nowadays take their kids a small distance away to school or to a friend’s house—not thinking about what every Navajo child was experiencing at that time.

170  To think these things is not a luxury for the emotions, but in this manner the Lord sometimes worketh his almighty work. It is not until one is able to retrospect the experience to understand unto what purpose was the experience and learning given.

171  Even now, today, I think of my journey and the faith of my parents to allow us to go to a place they had never been, or to allow us to live with someone they were not acquainted with—such a strange and wonderful journey! I know how my father Joseph felt—the pain and anxiety, and yet believing that God is ever watching and preparing!

172  For one so young, it seemed like a black hole—a never-ending place of strangeness, until I am told that school is over and I am going home. I was taken to the gathering place for church members, and there I boarded a Twin Trails Bus—soon I saw other children.

173  It seemed strange that we all came together, speaking Navajo to each other, and now all the children were talking in English and I understood what was being said. I cried when I saw my older brother—my joy was indescribable! Maybe this is what Joseph in Egypt felt when he saw his brothers, and could not contain himself! I know that feeling.

174  When the history books describe the return of the Navajos from the Bosque Redondo prison camp, and they saw again Navajo land, they knelt down and wept! I know that feeling. The day will come when the Savior will come with his host of heaven, and we shall see one another—and we shall weep upon one another’s shoulders! I already know that feeling.

175  As soon as I was home, I spent some time with my parents, and then ran off to see my shicheii. The dogs barking caused my grandfather to come to the door and inquire? I said: it is I, I am yet alive, and I have come to comfort you and that you might comfort me. My grandfather called me saying: shicheii! shicheii!

176  Therefore, I write unto you what my fathers Jacob and Nephi did write unto me: and now, behold I would speak unto you concerning things which are, and which are to come; wherefore, I will read you the words of Isaiah.

177  And they are the words which my brother has desired that I should speak unto you. And I speak unto you for your sakes, that ye may learn and glorify the name of your God.

178  And now, the words which I shall read are they which Isaiah spake concerning all the house of Israel; wherefore, they may be likened unto you, for ye are of the house of Israel. And there are many things which have been spoken by Isaiah which may be likened unto you, because ye are of the house of Israel.

179  And now, these are the words: Thus saith the Lord God: behold, I will lift up mine hand to the gentiles, and set up mine standard to the people; and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders. Kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers;

180  they shall bow down to thee with their faces towards the earth, and shall lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord; for they shall not be ashamed that wait on me.

181  Now, I speak concerning this thing because I am of the house of Israel; and more specifically, I am of the remnant of Joseph. And this remnant of Joseph I speak of is the seed of Nephi wherein there is much written—and blessings are given to the seed because Nephi was very faithful and diligent—all his days—to fulfill writings pertaining to the restoration of his seed in the latter day.

182  Understanding this thing, then, I continue writing what I have been writing—refining my writing to the words of Nephi concerning this thing. Nephi saith: and I Nephi said unto them: behold, they were manifest unto the prophet by the voice of the Spirit; for by the Spirit are all things made known unto the prophets, which shall come upon the children of men according to the flesh.

183  Wherefore, the things of which I have read are things pertaining to things both temporal and spiritual; for it appears that the house of Israel—sooner or later—will be scattered upon the face of the earth, and also among all nations.

184  And behold, there are many who are already lost from the knowledge of those who are at Jerusalem. Yea, the more part of all the tribes have been led away; and they are scattered to and fro upon the isles of the sea;

185  and whither they are none of us knoweth, save that we know they have been led away—these things have been prophesied concerning them, and concerning all those whom shall hereafter be scattered and be confounded, because of the Holy One of Israel—for against him will they harden their hearts;

186  wherefore, they shall be scattered among all nations and shall be hated of all men. Nevertheless, after they shall be nursed by the gentiles, and the Lord hath lifted up his hand upon the gentiles and set them up for a standard—and their children have been carried in their arms, and their daughters have been carried upon their shoulders, behold these things of which are spoken are temporal—for thus are the covenants of the Lord with our fathers;

187  and it meaneth us in days to come, and also all our brethren who are of the house of Israel. And it meaneth that the time cometh that after all the house of Israel have been scattered and confounded, that the Lord God will raise up a mighty nation among the gentiles—yea, even upon the face of this land;

188  and by them shall our seed be scattered. And after our seed is scattered the Lord God will proceed to do a marvelous work among the gentiles, which shall be of great worth unto our seed; wherefore, it is likened unto their being nourished by the gentiles—being carried in their arms and upon their shoulders.

189  And it shall be of great worth unto the gentiles—not only unto the gentiles, but unto all the house of Israel—unto the making known of the covenants of the Father of heaven unto Abraham, saying: In thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.

190  And I would, my brethren, that ye should know that all the kindreds of the earth cannot be blessed unless he shall make bare his arm in the eyes of all the nations. Wherefore, the Lord will make bare his arm in the eyes of all nations in bringing about his covenants and his gospel unto those who are of the house of Israel.

191  Wherefore, he will bring them again out of captivity, and they shall be gathered together to the lands of their inheritances; and they shall be brought out of obscurity and out of darkness; and they shall know that the Lord is their Savior and their Redeemer—the Mighty One of Israel.

192  I was taught of my foster father and mother the good news concerning the Christ, and I came to know and understand concerning the journeyings of Lehi’s family, and more specifically did I learn of Nephi.

193  Indeed, I saw the painting of Moroni standing in mid-air over Joseph Smith, and I knew it was true—for in my life I had seen such a view of godliness—therefore, I did not doubt.

194  This thing I did not tell my foster parents. I, at the young age of 10 years sought to know more concerning the gospel of Christ and the Book of Mormon; and it was told me by my foster father that it was a record of my people’s workings with the Lord Jesus Christ—and I doubted not, nor did I disbelieve.

195  I came to understand that without my people—the covenant people of the Lord—all the nations of the earth cannot be blessed in the gospel; more specifically, because the gospel and the priesthood is the right and blessing of the seed of Abraham—meaning the literal seed, as it is written in holy writ!

196  The gentiles have custodial responsibilities to the seed, to recover and to teach of these things—and the other thing the gentile shall do is to scatter and smite them. I can truthfully say, and witness, that my people have not been recovered because they do not hear, nor are they taught what I have written.

197  But beyond any doubt, they have been scattered and smitten by the bilagaana.

198  While this is true, I can also bear witness that the bilagaana has also carried me in their arms and upon their shoulders—as spoken of in holy writ, according to the prophecy of Nephi concerning the seed.

199  And I can testify that what I received of my foster father and mother are temporal—for I did receive of them food, clothes, and an education while living with them.

200  They did teach me of gospel principles, but they did not teach me concerning what I am writing presently. These things I have been taught of the Holy Ghost by reading and studying what my fathers before me had written to me.

201  For thus are the promises to me and my people concerning the promises and covenants made by the Father unto my fathers of old.

202  And the prophet saith: and because they turn their hearts aside, and have despised the Holy One of Israel, they shall wander in the flesh, and perish, and become a hiss and a byword, and be hated among all nations.

203  Nevertheless, when that day cometh, saith the prophet, that they shall no more turn aside their hearts against the Holy One of Israel—then will he remember the covenants he hath made to their fathers.

204  Yea, then will he remember the isles of the sea; yea, and all the people who are of the house of Israel will I gather in—saith the Lord, according to the words of the prophet Zenos—from the four quarters of the earth.

205  Yea, and all the earth shall see the salvation of the Lord, saith the prophet—and every nation, kindred, tongue and people shall be blessed. And I, Nephi, have written these things unto my people, that perhaps I might persuade them that they would remember the Lord their Redeemer.

206  Wherefore, I speak unto all the house of Israel if it so be that they should obtain these things. For, behold, I have workings in the spirit which doth weary me even that all my joints are weak—for those who are at Jerusalem; for had not the Lord been merciful, to show unto me concerning them, even as he had prophets of old, I should have perished also.

207  And he surely did show unto the prophets things concerning them; and he also did show unto many concerning us—wherefore, it must needs be that we know concerning them, for they are written upon the plates of brass.

208  Wherefore, I speak unto them, saying: hear ye the words of the prophet, ye who are a remnant of the house of Israel—a branch who have been broken off—hear ye the words of the prophet which were written unto all the house of Israel, and liken unto them yourselves, that ye may have hope—as well as your brethren from whom ye have been broken off; for after this manner did the prophet write.

209  These words I did read in the book of First Nephi, and I asked my foster father what he thought concerning these words, and what the words of Nephi meant concerning this of my people?

210  He responded: then it must be true, for it is in the Book of Mormon. Then I would admonish you to read these things and come to understanding.

211  He further said to me: I am very surprised that at your age you would ask concerning this thing; I have not had a conversation with another pertaining to this thing. Wherefore, follow the spirit in learning of the writings in these scriptures, for it is a record of your people written by your fathers; then, it is not a surprise that you would come to an understanding of this matter.

212  I have since pondered on this time period in my life; I have had many other moments of reflection of the truth revealed—that in my journey I have always been enlightened on truths, which has kept my motion in the right direction—even that eternal truths were given unto me to comprehend the workings of the Father.

213  I am amazed at the love of Nephi towards me, and towards my people—for the very things he wrote and expounded in much plainness has caused me to seek those truths, and to seek my heavenly Father.

214  Even living with my foster parents, I came to understand truths pertaining to my people, and the covenants of the Lord—which truths were not even understood by the gentiles.

215  At a very young age I stood among the gentiles, and yet I was nurtured like unto a son—and what was done for me was temporal, but I was greatly fortunate in being taught by a loving foster father concerning the scriptures and what was contained therein.

216  Therefore, I bear a witness of the greatness of the Lord unto my people. Nephi of old did say: and now behold, I say unto you that when the Lord shall see fit, in his wisdom, that these sayings shall come unto the gentiles according to his words, then ye may know that the covenant which the Father hath made with the children of Israel concerning their restoration to the lands of their inheritance, is already beginning to be fulfilled.

217  And ye may know that the words of the Lord—which have been spoken by the holy prophets—shall all be fulfilled; and ye need not say that he Lord delays his coming unto the children of Israel. And ye need not imagine in your hearts that the words which have been spoken are vain—for behold, the Lord will remember his people of the house of Israel.

218  And when you see these sayings coming forth among you, then ye need not any longer spurn at the doings of the Lord—for the sword of his justice is in his right hand; and behold, at that day if ye shall spurn at his doings he will cause that it shall soon overtake you.

219  That day of his justice is in his right hand, for I tell you that the times of the gentiles has come to pass, or that it hath all been fulfilled; and I tell you what the gospel of Christ meaneth concerning his people for the which all hath been promised and covenanted.

220  And I write this gospel for the understanding of all people; yea, even that the children of Lehi might know and understand that the fulfilling of his words are coming to pass. I will testify to you that in accord with what is written—even the very words of Jesus Christ the Lord—has brought back his gospel to his covenant people, and the gospel shall be built up by them unto the Lord, for this building up is a right and a blessing by promise and covenant to the seed through their father Abraham.

221  Then it behooves all people to repent, yea, even the more righteous of the gentile and the covenant people. For without repentance, there is no grace to be extended—either by election or by grace—unto a true redemption. For without this true redemption, no one can serve the Lord unto much righteousness.

222  Then it must needs be that one is called to set in order all things—that earthly works are connected to heavenly works—for the which all hath been done from before the foundation of this world unto mortal life for man—yea, even every dispensation of God (including the dispensation of the grace of God) unto the last and final dispensation, or the dispensation of the fulness of times.

223  Thus, in accord with the order, no man taketh this right and honor unto himself unless he is called of God—as was Aaron, for the which he is in the world to do a work for his fellowman. Even that this calling, as Aaron was called, is from before the foundation of this world, or even from the pre-mortal world as described by Alma.

224  Now, I will testify and say in accord with the spirit that is in me: when I was fourteen years old, as I sat upon a bench at the high school, a thought came into my mind. This thought came unto me because I had been studying and praying much to know of the things written in the Book of Mormon—more particularly concerning my people and the truth they should receive from the gentile people.

225  I wondered and pondered what had been written. That day, the spirit made manifest to me concerning my foster parents and the scripture which speaks of nursing fathers and nursing mothers. I could perceive and understand what my father Nephi had written, and I understood his writings and knew I was on the Indian Placement Program for a purpose.

226  For Nephi had written concerning this thing, even that it was written on the plates of brass by my father Isaiah. I also came to understand that Moses and Joseph were both on the Lord’s placement program—both having refused the world of the Egyptian for the things of God.

227  Yea, I learned that they were all educated in Egypt—even my fathers Abraham, Jeremiah, Lehi, John the Baptist, and even the Lord Jesus Christ sojourned in Egypt. Then, in like manner I was among the gentiles to learn and to come to understand the writings of my fathers in the Book of Mormon, that I might be of service unto my people at a future time.

228  I humbled myself in prayer, which prayer proceeded forth from my heart. I remembered the blessing my grandfather had given to me when I left for Hoozdoh the first time; I did not understand then, but now I came to an understanding.

229  I thought to myself: who of all these bilagaana gaamalii is thinking the same thing that I am thinking presently, and who knows concerning this thing? I learned through my years on the Indian Placement Program that not one placed student thought what I had thought—and very surprisingly, many of the foster parents did not venture into the Book of Mormon like I did.

230  I learned that the scriptures—to the gaamalii—was governed by the higher authorities, and the gaamalii did not venture into the deeper meanings of the Book of Mormon—but many knew certain verses pertaining to the Articles of Faith, the belief of the gaamalii church.

231  I was almost envious at times because the gaamalii claimed that they were all Ephraim; and I asked myself: how can this be? That would be like all the Palestinians becoming Jewish, or all Egyptians becoming the tribe of Ephraim within the house of Israel while in Egypt—or even that all the bilagaana in towns on or around the reservation becoming Navajos.

232  I bear a witness that in the holy scriptures given unto us to know of these things, it is written: but verily I say unto you, I have decreed that your brethren which have been scattered shall return to their lands of inheritances, and shall build up the waste places of Zion. For after much tribulation, as I have said unto you in a former commandment, cometh the blessing.

233  Behold this is the blessing which I have promised after your tribulations, and the tribulations of your brethren—your redemption, and the redemption of your brethren, even their restoration to the land of Zion to be established—no more to be thrown down.

234  Nevertheless, if they pollute their inheritances they shall be thrown down; for I will not spare them if they pollute their inheritances. Wherefore, I tell you that the gentile must restore the gospel to the remnant—their brethren—and if they do not this thing, the Lord God of Israel shall do this marvelous work and a wonder unto them—for he is their God, and he shall do this thing for them.

235  And this land of Zion is the daughter of Zion spoken of and it is the land of the first inheritance—even the land of our first father Adam, unto which much was given; and unto which land, many of the fathers did return to build a house unto the Lord—and all this is written in holy writ.

236  The Lord further described this redemption to come unto Joseph Smith—pertaining to the seed of Lehi—saying: behold, I say unto you, the redemption of Zion must needs come by power; therefore, I will raise up unto my people, a man who shall lead them like as Moses led the children of Israel. For ye are the children of Israel, and of the seed of Abraham, and ye must needs be lead out of bondage by power, and with a stretched out arm.

237  And as your fathers were led out at the first, even so shall the redemption of Zion be. Therefore, let not your hearts faint, for I say unto you as I said unto your fathers: mine angel shall go up before you, but not my presence. But I say unto you: mine angel shall go up before you, and also my presence, and in time ye shall possess the goodly land.

238  And the Lord saith: verily I say unto you that this man, who is likened unto Moses, my servant, shall be of the seed of Lehi—unto whom I have given this land for a covenant and a promise, that it should be a land of inheritance for his children forever.

239  For it is unto them I have extended the blessing of building up my Zion, and to build up the land of the New Jerusalem in a time to come—this is my purpose I the Lord proposed from the very beginning, and this is the decree of my Father, before the world wast.

240  And Moses was told: behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. And now, Moses, my son, I will speak unto thee concerning this earth upon which thou standest; and thou shalt write the things I shall speak.

241  In a day when the children of men shall esteem my words as naught, and take many of them from the book which thou shalt write, behold, I will raise up another like unto thee; and they shall be had again among the children of men—among as many as shall believe.

242  (These words were spoken unto Moses in the mount, the name of which shall not be known among the children of men. And now they are spoken unto you. Show them not unto any except them that believe. Even so. Amen.)

243  Now, I testify that this time spoken of is the present, and that the times of the gentiles has come to pass and is already fulfilled. And, again the children of men do not believe—few be that believe—but they are led down many paths of deception because of the precepts of men; they do not see nor do they hear the spirit testify of what is written. And soon—very soon—the destruction spoken of, of unbelievers, shall be upon them, and it shall be too late.

244  For my father Nephi spoke of this thing, saying: wherefore, these things shall go forth from the Jews in purity unto the gentiles, according to the truth which is in God. And after they go forth by the hand of the twelve apostles of the Lamb, thou seest the formation of that great and abominable church, which is the most abominable above all other churches;

245  for behold, they have taken away from the gospel of the Lamb many parts which are plain and most precious, and many covenants of the Lord have they taken away. And all this they have done that they might pervert the right ways of the Lord—that they might blind the eyes and harden the hearts of the children of men.

246  Wherefore, thou seest that after the book hath gone forth through the hands of the great and abominable church, that there are many plain and precious parts taken away from the book, which is the book of the Lamb of God.

247  Wherefore, I speak of this typifying of the truth, even a revelation from God concerning this thing; yea, even that the most abominable church has taken away from the gospel of Christ; thus the great and abominable church—as written of by Nephi—shall also take from the fulness of the gospel written.

248  This they do to receive the love of the world, but they do not do this to fulfill the promises and covenants made unto the covenant people of the Lord. Yea, I testify that they teach not the things of which I have written; therefore, they pervert the right ways of the Lord—for they say the Book of Mormon is true.

249  Then it must needs be that the Lord has prepared means to overcome the perversion done by the gentiles—that we might have wherewith to look and to know of the pure gospel of Christ; even that we—the covenant people of the Lord—shall have wherewith sufficient for our redemption in a day to come.

250  My father Nephi writes concerning this thing, and the marvelous omnipotence of God, saying: and after they had given thanks unto the God of Israel, my father Lehi took the records which were engraven upon the plates of brass, and he did search them from the beginning.

251  And he beheld that they did contain the five books of Moses, which gave an account of the creation of the world, and also of Adam and Eve, who were our first parents; and also a record of the Jews from the beginning, even down to the commencement of the reign of Zedekiah, King of Judah.

252  And also the prophecies of the holy prophets from the beginning, even down to the commencement of the reign of Zedekiah; and also many prophecies which had been spoken by the mouth of Jeremiah.

253  And it came to pass that my father Lehi also found upon the plates of brass a genealogy of his fathers; wherefore he knew that he was a descendant of Joseph, yea, even that Joseph who was the son of Jacob, who was sold into Egypt, and who was preserved by the hand of the Lord—that he might preserve his father, Jacob, and all his household from perishing with famine.

254  I came to understand these writings at a young age, and I knew concerning my fathers, even as it was written in the Book of Mormon. I also did discover those certain writings as found in the Bible and in the Doctrine and Covenants concerning these things.

255  I did not have elders, bishops, home teachers, or even my foster father bring these things to my mind; but I can testify that it was the Holy Ghost that did reveal these things unto me for my understanding. Wherefore, at a young age, I did know the goodness of God and I commenced to understand the purpose of the scriptures—for in them I found the truth concerning the fathers and for what purpose they did their work.

256  Now, my father Nephi did further say: and thus my father Lehi did discover the genealogy of his fathers. And Laban was also a descendant of Joseph, wherefore he and his fathers had kept the records.

257  And now when my father saw all these things, he was filled with the Spirit, and began to prophesy concerning his seed.

258  In like manner, I write and make my prophesy concerning the things written and spoken of by them of old, who all saw our day, and what would befall their children—even with great judgment in the latter day—and then that great mercy should be extended unto them again in the last days.

259  These things are not of our workings, but are workings of our fathers unto great faith—they having raised prayers did receive the Lord’s promise of our restoration—and that we might have wherewith to perceive the workings of the Lord.

260  Then it must be that these things should come upon my people. For it is the promise of the Lord to us and unto father Abraham—we being his children; for our fathers did their work and are now waiting for the finality of works pertaining to their children who are yet alive.

261  Wherefore, it behooves they who know of these things to move forward the work of the Lord in the earth in great righteousness, that the arm of the Lord might be revealed. And for this cause have the prophets written.

262  The things I have written are for the welfare of all those who seek the Spirit in righteousness—it is to them that the prophets have written, that those who seek the Spirit might prepare themselves for that day that will come. Now if it so be that they do righteousness in the name of God unto the fulfillment of the promises and covenants, and die unto the Lord, it is well with them—for, for them shall a work be done.

263  Now, as concerning those who should live at that day—they shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye when they have lived the age of man. These are they who have a testimony of Christ and are pure and righteous—having kept their first estate;

264  they having given their agency unto God, are called with a preparatory redemption for such. Wherefore, it behooves all people—both gentile and the house of Israel—to prepare to meet God, to keep their second estate; for, for this intent have the prophets written.

265  Therefore, no longer be idle and waste away your day of repentance by hardening your hearts and by procrastination, thinking that the Lord should not come. Do not wrest the words of the prophets and delay righteousness to come into your life.

266  I pray that ye may expound the scriptures for your benefit and the benefit of your loved ones—then, ye can serve your fellowman; for how can one serve his fellowman if he doth not look out for the welfare of his family?

267  It is for that reason some of us are raised up of God unto the confounding of the works of man. Then, when we hear the trumpet sound, we hear and know the sound, and unto what sound the trumpet calleth in the mortality of man. This sound is the still small voice calling out of the wilderness—for the world is not hers—for the love of the world deceiveth and distracteth, that one does not hear the sound of the trump.

268  There were other times I did hear the still small voice, while others did not hear. The still small voice is a gift unto all those who are righteous in God—which gift cometh of the Father unto his chosen children, likened unto the Liahona, to guide them and to bring them to a remembrance of the things of God before the world wast.

269  Nevertheless, being young and not learned like unto the gentile, I was like unto my father Nephi who said: I Nephi was desirous also that I might see, and hear, and know of these things by the power of the Holy Ghost, which is the gift of God unto all those who diligently seek him, as well in times of old as in the time that he should manifest himself unto the children of men.

270  For he is the same yesterday, today, and forever; and the way is prepared for all men from the foundation of the world, if it so be that they repent and come unto him.

271  For he that diligently seeketh him shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well as in these times as in times of old, and as well as in times of old as in times to come: wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round.

272  It is for them that the Holy Ghost comes into the world—for the world seeketh not the things of God for it is naught unto the world; wherefore, the Holy Ghost hath no place in them.

273  Thus, in accord with what I have written, I did inquire of the Lord, and at my young age I did come to know and understand many things pertaining to what is written in the Book of Mormon, and I have exercised my faith in the truth contained in holy writ.

274  I am blessed of God, for when I inquire concerning things, not asking amiss, I have confidence that God will manifest these things unto me. Indeed, while the world sleeps, I am awaken to the spiritual things of God.

275  During my latter years in high school, and even into my university studies, when I would return to visit the branch on the reservation, I would usually walk in, introduce myself, and then I would be asked to give a talk. The talk would be unprepared and without notes, but I would open the scriptures and by the power of the Holy Ghost I would preach the gospel of Christ to my people.

276  Afterwards, people would ask and I would give over twenty different blessings—the people believing in the holy High Priesthood. Then more visiting would ensue, and after a few more hours, people would finally go home.

277  I view the gospel of Christ to be ministered in this manner; I have often thought of the ministry of King Benjamin, and even the Lord and Savior among my people. The ministry of Christ is true and peaceful—and very simple in the spirit of edification wherein much belief, faith, hope, and charity are the fruits of the spirit made manifest.

278  Wherefore, I testify and tell you that it is the power of the priesthood in the church of God to preach, teach, expound, exhort, and to administer the ordinances thereof—in all seasons and at all times—that the priesthoodship of the true church of God conducts all meetings as they are led by the Holy Ghost, according to the commandments and revelations of God.

279  That same spirit was in the primitive church among my people on the reservation on this land of promise, but is now all but dead—for the old ones having this belief and faith are gone—and meetings now are conducted as an organizational (corporate) compliance without a common consent blessed of the Holy Ghost—leaders having little authority of God, while their actions are confined to the order of man.

280  Men now preach themselves up to be loved of men, or to receive the praise of men; for my people have all become likened unto the gentile—becoming a wild branch like unto the writing of Jacob.

281  Therefore, I testify by experience and what I have come to understand from my youth upwards in the time I attended the university, that the pure gospel is not the same gospel. Notwithstanding, all that I have come to believe is based on the scriptures—what has been written by my fathers and what has been revealed by the power of the Holy Ghost of the same; and this understanding is in agreement with what is prophesied and what hath been foretold by them of old.

282  And now then, we know and understand what is true and in accord with the revelations of God—neither adding to nor diminishing from the prophecies contained in holy writ; for what is contained is written by the prophets called in the holy scriptures—or the revelations of God—which knowledge of the same shall come herein after by the power of the Holy Ghost, the voice of God, or by the ministering of angels—for I testify that God has not changed—for he is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

283  Then it must needs be that all things are written for them that believe—but also for them that believe not, for what is written—that which is received by the power of the Holy Ghost—is a testament of truth, and by what is written shall all men be judged by God.

284  Wherefore, my witness is that I am raised up of God for the intent that I am to write what is written. For none can write these things unless it be given to him by God—for what he shall write is the word of God unto man.

285  And I speak by that same power given to Nephi of old, which power is the power of God unto much righteousness—which power cometh of the Holy Ghost unto the sealing up of the judgment to come. Then shall all men know of the truthfulness of what I have written.

286  If ye say that it is not of God—judge ye, and by this same judgment ye shall be judged in the last time; for Christ shall tell you that these are his words and that I am commanded to write these things—even so. Amen.

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